Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Under Enemy Fire

A few weeks ago it was discovered that Hillary's story about being under heavy sniper fire while traveling to Bosnia on a USO tour with Cheryl Crow and Sinbad was a load of BS. Here is the story in case you missed it.

After following the story, I got on awesome idea for a political commercial.

You have Hillary, Sinbad, and Sheryl Crow on a military plane.

Sheryl Crow and Sinbad are casually talking when Hillary runs over with an intense look on her face. She explains to the two of them that when the plane lands they will be under heavy sniper fire. When the plane door opens, Sheryl Crow runs out holding her guitar over her head to protect her from the bullets. Then you see Sinbad walk out carrying Hillary with that Whitney Houston song from The Bodyguard playing.

Meanwhile the little girl waiting with flowers to greet Hillary is just shaking her head.

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